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Whenua Hou - A New Land
Whenua Hou - A New Land The story of Codfish Island

Whenua Hou/Codfish Island in Foveaux Strait, best known as a kākāpō sanctuary, has a greater claim to fame – as the foothold of bicultural Aotearoa New Zealand. From the early 1800s, European sealers and Maori women were raising families here. This book describes first contact, colonisation, sealing, farming, nature conservation, modern archaeology and the island’s status as an ancestral homeland.

“. . .Whenua Hou’s contribution to the bicultural history of Aotearoa New Zealand is unique . . . New Zealand’s first planned mixed-race settlement.”

Price: $25 plus P&P. Orders by email:


Neville Peat


1 Cowal Street, Broad Bay
Dunedin 9014, New Zealand

Phone: +64 3 478 0803
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